Visualisation for planning application

Composites and comparisons of original vs retouched image, for Gin & Juice Bristol. Getting approval to open on the high street, required thorough and rigorous testing of plans. It was important to clearly and accurately show the impact the new venue has on Park Street.


Gin and Juice, 47 Park Street, Bristol, for Vintage Tea & Coffee Co.

A neat comparison of original vs retouched images, for the planning application visualisation.

Gin and Juice, 47 Park Street, Bristol, for Vintage Tea & Coffee Co.

Spot the difference?

Gin and Juice, 47 Park Street, Bristol, for Vintage Tea & Coffee Co.

Above: the original image shows bin bags, pedestrians, bikes chained to railings, and on-lookers in the background. Below: shifting focus to the building meant cleaning up the streets. Removing bikes and rebuilding the railings required the most attention.

Gin and Juice, 47 Park Street, Bristol, for Vintage Tea & Coffee Co.
Gin and Juice, 47 Park Street, Bristol, for Vintage Tea & Coffee Co.

Gin and Juice, 47 Park Street, Bristol

Vintage Tea & Coffee Co.

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